By default, SonyEricsson’s k510i isn’t supported by iSync by default (too recent?). A k600 however IS supported. So… Why wouldn’t a k510i work?
Using a hint on MacOSX hints, I am able to sync my K510i anyway.
The entry I added to Metaclasses.plist is:
<key></key> <dict> <key>Identification</key> <dict> <key></key> <array> <string>Sony Ericsson+Sony Ericsson K510</string> </array> </dict> <key>InheritsFrom</key> <array> <string></string> </array> <key>Services</key> <array> <dict> <key>ServiceName</key> <string></string> <key>ServiceProperties</key> <dict> <key>AlternativeNames</key> <string>K510i</string> <key>ModelIcon</key> <string>SEK750.tiff</string> <key>ModelName</key> <string>K510</string> </dict> </dict> <dict> <key>ServiceName</key> <string></string> <key>ServiceProperties</key> <dict> <key>NbrEmailPerContact</key> <integer>3</integer> </dict> </dict> </array> </dict>
Nice one… Problem is that the contacts on my phone weren’t remotely the same as in my address book… Well, now they sort of are… Although I have the feeling that I removed some of my phone contacts while manually merging them the same contacts which were named different on my phone.
I added the entry as posted to the metaclasses.plist and another one for K508 (my phone states it is a k508i). How can use iSync now? The program seems to be seeking only for bluetooth devices…
I only managed to synchronize using bluetooth. I tried the USB cable, but that didn’t work. I’m afraid the k508i doesn’t seem to have bluetooth on board so unless you get the USB connection working, I’m afraid this hint will not work for you…