Eight days later. If you think a lion is the king of the animals, don’t forget to take the buffalo in count. The threads are out. At last, I will wake up in the morning without such a terrible taste in my mouth. And I can pull my mouth open again without a strapped feeling of wired flesh. The mystery of the yellow thing is unraveled at last. After two days, it wasn’t yellow anymore, but just plain pink again and still soft and numb. The stomatologist identified it to be wild flesh, whatever that means. It surely is a part of the extra piece of flesh that was growing over the wisdom teeth and wasn’t cut away. If it isn’t gone within four weeks, it’ll have to be removed, by pointing it with some sort of acid, don’t know the term anymore. It wouldn’t hurt, he says, but I’m not entirely sure about that: acid on flesh that sensitive, it can’t feel nice…