Category: technology

February 22, 2010 / / technology

Just for my own reference. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException is a build error, saying that you’re using a class that doesn’t exist, so the build fails. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is a link error at runtime,…

January 6, 2010 / / technology
December 30, 2009 / / technology

I just finished a two hour telephone call with Microsoft support. I just wanted to quickly install Windows 7 on my computer. Problem is this “upgrade” version. You are licensed…

December 3, 2009 / / technology

Lieve, Uiteraard begrijp ik je wantrouwen ten opzichte van het nieuwe systeem, beter bekend onder de naam Mac OS X. Veranderen, zeker naar iets dat zoveel vernieuwender en zoveel…

October 19, 2009 / / technology

Every night, all over the world, hundreds of people see this face in their dreams. If this man appears in your dreams too, or if you have any information that…

September 12, 2009 / / technology

I ran into my first annoying bug in Snow Leopard today. Not a big deal, just annoying. On reboot, I noticed that the volume was reset to 100%. First I…

September 8, 2009 / / technology

Natuurlijk zit ik niet in Nieuw Zeeland. Als ik daar al ooit in mijn leven geraak, dan zal het niet voor in de zeer nabije toekomst zijn. Heel erg jammer.…

August 4, 2009 / / technology

Today, I upgraded WordPress to version 2.8.3. I upgrade immediately when a new version is available. And these days, I don’t even test this. I really like WordPress as it…

September 1, 2008 / / technology

When you don’t really know how to call something, it’s hard to find it. I tried “ saved e-mail addresses” or “ autosave e-mail address” and still Google gave not…

August 8, 2008 / / technology

Blogging colleagues, that’s nice. Follow their private lives or their children growing up, without even visiting them. But what happens when they try to hack their own blog together, using…